Monday, October 25, 2010

Four Years Ago Today......

Sawyer Bryon Rollins was born and our lives changed forever!

(6 lbs and 4 ounces and 24 inches long!)

In the wee hours of the morning, on October 25th, 2006, Sawyer came into the world skwaking like a baby bird! We spent the next few hours counting and re-counting all his fingers and toes and trying to let the reality of being parents sink in. He was the cutest thing I had ever seen and every tiny sound he made was adorable! Our little room at Methodist Hospital filled with friends and family, flowers and balloons over the next few days and then we got to take him home! As we were pulling out of the hospital parking lot with Sawyer tucked safely into his car seat, I couldn't help but think, "I can't believe that they are letting us walk out of here with this baby!! We have no clue what we're doing!"

(Some friends that waited at the hospital until he was born @ 1:15 a.m.!)

The next few days and weeks are literally a blurr......diapers, tiny fingernails to clip, nursing bras, no sleep, mommy crying, pumping, crying baby, doctor check ups, bottles, binkies laundry and love! :)

(Daddy giving you a bath)

When Sawyer came bounding into the office this morning shouting,
"It's MY BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!!", I couldn't help but be amazed at how far we've come! Bill and I have managed to keep this little guy alive for fo
ur years who is happy, healthy, curious, adventurous and loving! He has been the best gift we've ever been given*

Sawyer~ Mommy and Daddy have been praying for you for a long time~That each day you will grow in the confidence of being loved and accepted not just by us, but by the rest of our family and most of all, by GOD. We pray that each day you will grow in your understanding of Jesus and that it will develop into a life long love!

We pray that God brings godly friends and role models into your life. We pray that you will be a young man that is dependable, responsible, com
passionate, loving and giving to others. As you pray, may you learn the discipline of listening for God's voice and that there would always be a fire in your little heart and an unwavering desire for the things of God!

We pray that God gives us wisdom, patience and unconditional love for you during our very special years together before you go off on your own. Sawyer, we LOVE YOU SO MUCH and couldn't have asked for anything better than you!

Happy Birthday Buddy!

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