Monday, June 21, 2010

Toy Story 3 Extravaganza

Nick & Nathan are Sawyer's best new friends at Day Care! Nathan is Sawyer's age and Nick just turned two so they are like best buds. We were invited to Nick's second birthday last Saturday and let me tell you what a BLAST it was! Rachel (Nick & Nathan's Super-Mom) out did herself in putting on the party of all parties for a two year old!

The theme was Toy Story 3 and the back yard was decked out~a bouncy house, a huge ball that they rolled around in (Sawyer's favorite), coloring station, Mr. & Mrs. Potato head table, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, music....

All the kids stuffed themselves with hot dogs, mini sliders, chicken nuggets, tons of fresh fruit, and veggie chips. They could barely eat they were so excited!

As if they hadn't had enough food in their tummies already, they had cup cakes with cute little Toy Story toppers on them! We all got these awesome VIP movie passes with tickets to the afternoon showing and huge movie boxes complete with popcorn, candy, a drink, and tons of Toy Story toys! We all went to the movie and is was SO GOOD! It was an over the top awesome birthday bash~Thanks for setting the bar so high Rachel and potentially making us all look bad :)

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