Monday, November 8, 2010

Turn Around

On friday evening, my friend Arliss and I had the opportunity to attend Omaha Christan Academy's fundraising dinner held at the Embassy Suites! The grand ball room was gorgeous and the food was D-Lish! Being as how OCA is where we plan to have Sawyer go to school, I was very excited to attend one of their functions. I have to admit though, the main attraction for me were the key note speakers, Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy! They are the adoptive parents of Michael Ore (Offensive tackle for the Baltimore Ravens) of last year's hit movie, The Blind Side. In the movie, Sean and Leigh Anne are played by Sandra Bullock & Gavin Degraw. Ms. Sue (Michael's tutor) was also there that evening! They are such tremendous, inspirational, real-down-to-earth people!

They shared what a life changing experience it was bringing Michael into the family and what a whirl wind of events have taken place since the movie was released. I have always wondered how closely the movie was to the real story and I was so glad to hear them say that it was 99% accurate! One of their biggest joys was that it was like Christmas everyday having Michael in their home! Seeing him experience what to us are everyday things, to him were just so exciting and new!
The Tuohy's main message was based what Leanne said when they first drove past Michale walking down the road in shorts and a T shirt , in the snow, "Turn Around." Those two little words changed their lives and that of Michael forever and how easy it should be for all of us to have 'Turn Around' moments everyday, whether it be large or small. I know for certain that God gives me opportunity moments like that everyday, but I'm so focused, late or distracted I don't even notice....that's sad and something that I really need to change.

So at some point today, TURN AROUND!

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