Monday, February 7, 2011

Here and There

I usually do my grocery shopping for the week on Monday mornings before work. It's nice in the store because it's totally empty and the employees are still finishing stocking the shelves and they have their music playing out of portable stereos, so every other aisle you walk down, you enter a new genre of music......Michael Buble....Talk Radio.....Tim McGraw.....Justin Bieber....Marvin Gaye.....Ok, getting a little off track here sorry. Anyway, I usually pick up sprinkle doughnuts from the bakery counter for the kids to have on Monday mornings for breakfast. Last week I forgot. 7:05 a.m. Sawyer comes bounding out of his room, "Did you get doughnuts Mom?!?" After a sincere apology about forgetting he hangs his head, droops his shoulders down so low I thought they were going to detach from his neck....three minutes of reflection go by and he comes back, wraps his arms around my neck and says, "I still love you anyways Mommy."

Sawyer and his friend Avery were playing with some Tinker Toys the other day and making all sorts of creative things. When they make something extraordinarily marvelous, they come into the kitchen so that I can admire it. On this particular day, the hot ticket item that Sawyer built was brought out and presented. "This is my Hooker-Picker-Upper" say WHAT?!? "This is how I pick up my hookers Mom." There were a handful of hooks from his Handy Manny construction set that were standing there needing to be picked up and this was the perfect 'Hooker-Picker-Upper'.

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