Friday, March 11, 2011

Fondant Anyone?

My girlfriends and I have Girl's Nights every couple of weeks and we have been trying to bust out of the dinner-and-a-movie mold. Stephanie had the bright idea of taking a short class on how to make and use fondant. Fondant is that super sleek icing that you normally see on wedding cakes that looks like perfection but tastes terrible. So, she found a lady on Craigslist that would come into your home and give you a crash course.

We showed up at Arliss's house with our 9 inch layered cakes, frosted in butter cream. I did a traditional yellow cake with the BEST dark chocolate coffee butter cream frosting (Thank You Ina Garten!)

After she gave us a quite lengthy run down on how you make fondant from scratch, it became quite clear to me that I will probably never made it again in my life. Too much work....too much room for the slightest error that would most definitely ruin the entire thing. I'd rather pay someone to do it for me. Call me lazy....but at least I'm willing to admit it! :)

The hardest part of it for me to get over was dunking my hands in Crisco and massaging the fondant into it's perfect consistency.......uuugghhh.......and then think about eating it afterwards? No way. BUT it turned out really cute! I decided to go with a Valentine's Day cake since we had been gone on the cruise for it. I ended up taking it over to my in-laws house and we ate it~we scrapped the fondant off of it and then it was SO GOOD!

Check out the beautiful creations!

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