Monday, March 21, 2011

Who's the STUD in the Glasses?

You guessed it! Sawyer has gotten even MORE handsome!

He looks so smart with them on!

Sawyer has been having a little trouble with his eyes for a while now~his left eye has developed a tendency to pull in towards his nose. We noticed it about a year ago and he went to a couple of different places to get tests done and then to a therapist, who was a friend of Nana Kathy's. After doing some therapy exercises and not seeing a huge improvement, we were referred to Dr. Troia's office. It's a family practice that's been around for over thirty years and has one of the very best reputations in Omaha.

We had an evaluation a few weeks ago and they did such a fantastic job. They were very quick and knew what they were doing, dilated his eyes and sent us home with a scrip for glasses! We searched high and low for glasses that would fit his little face. Apparently the bridge on his nose is a hard one to match because five different places didn't have them....but we finally found a place and he's kept them on his cute little face for four days now!

We will go back for a follow up visit in six weeks to figure out what would be the best move-patch, glasses or surgery. So, please pray that we can keep track of them and that after the six weeks, things would be corrected and no further help would be needed!

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