Wednesday, August 17, 2011


A few weekends ago Sawyer and I got to be the lucky tag-alongs to the Kiewit Family picnic! My good friend Rachel has two adorable little boys that Sawyer pretty much worships, and they invited us to go to her company picnic! It was such a wonderful day to spend together!
The picnic was up at Mahoney State Park-which is outside the city and has spectacular views and laundry list of fun things to do!

The kids started out with doing a bunch of carnival type games to win prizes..... although they didn't fare very well in the winning department....they had a good time nonetheless!

They headed over to the face painting station, where we stood in line for about four weeks. This was the first time that Sawyer actually got something painted! Usually we'll get up to the front of the line and he chickens out. It's not like it hurts! I don't know what his deal is.....but this time he got this awesome dragon painted on his leg!

Rachel even got a butterfly on her arm (they got up to the front of the line and one of her sons chickened out too :) That's always fun....not. And what is up with Sawyer's face? :)

The kids fought over the basket of silly band bracelets, took forever to figure out what farm animal they wanted to be and then we were finally able to sit down to a WONDERFUL lunch buffet! They had hamburgers, hot dogs, grilled chicken, brisket, salads, sides and cookies for dessert! D-lish! What good mother lets her child chug down an entire Pepsi? Not me.......(says the mom with shifty eyes and suspicion in her voice.)

(Notice the crossed eye? Yeah, that's why we had surgery yesterday.)

The kids had spotted the cotton candy stand pretty much from the car as we pulled up. "Can we get cotton candy now?" was asked every two minutes practically. When Sawyer finally got that sugary air ball in his fist, he started licking it! I guess he had never eaten it before! Then he asks, "How do I eat THIS?!?!" yeah, it was awesome :)

The kids entertained themselves in this GIGANTIC play zone for over an hour and a half! There was this maze of tunnels, slides, ball pens, foam pits, ect. Rachel and I just sat back and let them run wild! Every once in a while we would see one of them surface and then head right back in for more fun!

After wearing themselves out in the play zone, they needed some more refueling so it was off to the pop corn stand! Sawyer and Nick chowed down on fistfuls of buttery corn and were just giddy with delight!
The mechanical bull had been calling Sawyer's name all up he went! He did pretty well for a while and really enjoyed it!
Yehaaaaw!!!! (is that how you spell that?!)

And yup when he finally fell off, he knocked one of the horns off with him :)

Since we hadn't fed the kids all day.....(says the mom sarcastically) they needed some snow cones to tide them over :) With neon sugar water dripping from their chins and elbows, we headed off to the water park to finish off the day. They splashed themselves into pretty much a state of delirium! It was the perfect day in the minds of these little boys and boy did they sleep good that night! Thank you SO much Rachel for inviting us to join you for this amazing day!

1 comment:

Rachael said...

You are MORE than welcome Carrie and we thank you two for tagging along and keeping us company. The crazed kiddo kind, and the much needed grown up girlfriend kind as well! I sure am glad ONE of us has our stuff together and got this day blogged! LOL - Those boys of ours sure know how to indulge. Seems like they did it ALL, ate it ALL and seen it all before 5pm. Geesh!