Thursday, August 9, 2012

Smiles all around....

For some reason my mommy can't stop making me wear huge sunglasses!

Brotherly LOVE....I was telling Sawyer the other day that Raylan is probably going to want to be tagging along with him wherever he goes for years and years and that he's probably going to complain, "Moooom, do I really have to take Raylan with me?!?" and Sawyer says, 
"That will never happen, I'll ALWAYS let him come with me!" 
So sweet but I'm sure he'll be singing a different tune in a few years :) 

Raylan hanging out on the super soft blankie that his Great Aunt Joan made for him! 

Some of Bill and I's best friends, John and Ashton have a little son, Jackson who is two weeks younger than Raylan. They were back in town for a visit yesterday and the boys had a grand time togetha!!!

They are totally going to be the trouble twins for sure!!!

Our friend Scott brought over his new truck last night and they needed to take it out for a spin!
Boys will be boys!

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