Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Mischief Anyone?

Because he is so stinkin' cute and growing by the minute, I thought I would fill you in on what this one's been up to these days.....

Raylan still is not a fan of regular baby food but constantly wants anything that you are eating. If it comes off of your plate or fork he will chow down till the cows come home, but if it is out of his bowl, forget about it! 

One of his favorite things to eat right now is apples! Our roommate Liz was eating one the other day and let him have a little taste, and now he's hooked! I guess there could be worse things to be hooked on!

Ripping up magazines is just so does a soul good. 
We especially love ripping up Mommy's Pottery Barn catalogs that she hasn't read yet. 

Now that he is mobile, nothing in the house is safe anymore. He has his favorite places to hit when no one is watching.....this one is his go to spot every time. He high tales it over to the Xbox and PS3, knocks them over, pulls out the basket that holds all the gaming controlers, turns around and smiles a cheeky grin of satisfaction, then it's over to the floor vent to have air blow in his face......he does that little routine in the same order every time. Without fail. 

"Ohhhh Raaaaaaylan!" We hear that a lot these days! Sawyer is so good with him though. 
He is always extracting him out of places that he shouldn't be....much to Raylan's chagrin. 

Our other feat of accomplishment is making our way across the living room and climbing on top of Daddy's chess board. When we are in position, we pound on the top and smile gleefully for all to see how wonderful we are.We know we aren't supposed to do it...but we love it. (Why don't Mommy & Daddy just move the darn chess board? I don't know.)  
It is all fun and games our gloating we fall off the back of the chessboard, get wedged in by the wall and can't get out. That's when we get very annoyed and expect everyone to immediately drop whatever they are doing and come to our rescue. 

When we get tired of the living room, we move on to the bathroom. 
Emptying out the package of wipes into a huge pile is also great fun.

When all the the doors to fun places are closed tightly and opportunities for mischief are scarce, we throw our head back dramatically and squawk like a little pterodactyl. Drama Drama Drama. Life is so rough and miserable. 

But nothing will lift your spirits like tugging on the phone cord! 

And don't even think about leaving a container of Grandma Joann's special dill oyster crackers on the table, walking away and expecting them to be there when you get back! (I came back and he had eating SO many of them!!!) 

 Last but not least, what makes us feel like hot stuff? 

Standing up in the chairs under the kitchen table, that's what! 

Nothing beats that. Nothing. 

1 comment:

Mary said...

Such a cute little guy!!!