Tuesday, October 15, 2013

This, That and the Other Thing...

It's been forever, I know. But we've been busy, OK :) Here's what we've been up to:

Bill and two of his coworkers did a Triathlon! 

Swim, Bike, Run! Well done, Bill!

We were n a wedding! Bill's sister got married here in Omaha and we were all able to be apart of it and share in the special day! 
It was such a gorgeous wedding!

I ran my very first Marathon! 26.2 miles! (42+ Kilometers) Ran it in 4 hrs. 3 min and felt like I was gonna die! It felt so good to finish and something to cross off the bucket list!

My girlfriends and I threw a baby shower and had High Tea! Fancy, Fancy! 

Raylan's best friend, Jackson came to town for a visit!

Sawyer just gets more and more handsome every single day.

Mr. Naughty Pants decided to bring in some extra items into the bathtub while I wasn't watching....

Sawyer insists that they wear matching jammies at night time. They are soo rascally together and I love it!

I asked Sawyer to keep an eye on Raylan for me while I went to take a quick shower the other night and when I got out, I found Raylan in the cupboard trying to eat the ink out of a printer cartridge....

Bill and some friends from work ran the Market to Market run! 78 miles!

Thanks for all of you who prayed for Bill's 5th Actuarial Exam that he took a few weeks ago. Unfortunately he didn't make it this time, but he's back at the books and trying again in February.
So, as you can see life has been keeping us out late, up early, to school, at work, to cooking club, at Bible Study group and on the treadmill! (with a few naps here and there!) 

TTFN, Ta Ta for now!

1 comment:

Jane's Junk said...

Thanks for the great entry!! I really appreciate it!