Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Deck The Halls and a Photo Dump...

Off to Costco we went to get a tree because they had them on sale for like $27! Got there and you guessed it, they had sold out an hour before we got there.....back in the car and zip over to Menards. Costco and Menards for a tree....yeah we're classy like that. 
Found a 10 ft. tree that looked as good as it could all wrapped up!

Bill and our friend Ben tied it to the roof of the SUV and we were on our way! 
I was praying that it wasn't going to go flying off somewhere on the interstate....

Bill and Ben getting it all set up (it looks terrible here, but once it aired out a bit and relaxed, it looked so full and beautiful!)

Of course if no one is on 'Raylan Patrol' he will find something to occupy himself with....and emptying out an entire box of outside light hooks was on the agenda!

He was so surprised when I plugged in this string of lights! 

Decorating the tree with our roommate, Cheyenne. 

Sawyer LOVES decorating the tree! He likes to try and put on as many ornaments as he can so then the bottom half of the tree is a lot more decorated than the top half! 

We always put all the musical ornaments towards the bottom so that the kids can go and turn them on themselves. Raylan thinks this is pretty much the best thing ever. I'm just waiting for the day when he pulls the whole thing down on top of himself though. Sawyer keeps trying to teach him to only touch the ornaments and not touch the actual branches....yeah that's not working out too well.....we can always tell when Raylan has been touching the tree because his fingers smell like a Fraser Fir! lol

Time for the iPhone Photo Dump! (Random pictures that were on my phone.)

Caught in the act!
.......or maybe Papa Steve was the one unrolling the entire roll of toilet paper and just pretended it was Raylan.......hhhmmmmmm.....

The two handsomes and Cheyenne.

Raylan sitting in Mommy & Daddy's bed watching HGTV.

 A moment of calm....sharing the Wii U nicely together.....the very next minute Raylan;s patience was all used up and snatching and whining ensued. You've gotta take the quiet moments when you can get em! 


Jane's Junk said...

Love it!! Thanks!

Rachael said...

Merry Christmas to you all. Take care!