Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Turning 80 But Partying like She's 21!

A few weekends ago we had the great privilege of celebrating Grandma Joan's 80th Birthday!!! Uncle Jeff and Aunt Lin did such a tremendous job of planning this weekend extravaganza, with family flying in from out of town, coordinating everyone's schedules and all the while keeping it a SURPRISE!  

The party day started out with going to Saturday morning Mass (we did not attend because the thought of sitting through Mass with our two boys could send everyone to an early grave!) where they had a special blessing for Grandma Joan. Afterwards we all met for a wonderful lunch at Vincenzos!

All this delicious Italian food and all Raylan wanted to do was eat crayons....

After lunch, the gang headed over to root for the Nebraska Huskers! Being as how Bill and I are not huge football fans at all, we took Raylan home to take a nap and let Sawyer go with Nana & Papa for an afternoon of footbally fun :)

That evening we ordered pizza and gorged ourselves on cake and ice cream! 
Here is the birthday girl making her wishes and blowing out her candles :)

Now you would think that getting all the siblings and their wives together for a picture would be quick and simple. Guess again! Not quite sure how it started (maybe Mike blowing softly into Jeff's ear?!) but something struck Kristi's giggle button and she just could not get it together! Every time she tried to regain her composure to take this picture, she would erupt into hysterics! LOL

We had a great evening of family time, drinking strawberry daiquiris, playing games and just celebrating Grandma Joan! Her party had started at about nine in the morning and she partied all day until about ten thirty that night! Yup, 80 years old and she's still got it!

Right as the pizza was arriving though, Sawyer said he didn't feel well so he spent all evening sleeping up in Aunt Lin's guest room! 
Poor thing, missed the whole evening! 

Then on the way home, we had just gotten on the interstate when Sawyer throws up all over the back seat. And I'm talking like AAAAALLLLLLL over. I swear he had like a week's  worth of food stored up. It was so bad. Bill rolled all the windows down and sped home and it smelled to high heaven. When we got home, I threw the kids in the bath and Bill tackled the inside of the Durango. He wiped, he used the wet vac, he used the carpet shampooer, he vacuumed.....but there is just something about puke in the car that just doesn't come out unless you have it professionally cleaned....which we did the next day. 

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