Monday, August 30, 2010

Bringing Up Boys

Sawyer is the light and love of our lives and we would do anything and everything for him. You think you know what love is until you hold your child in your arms for the first time and then you realize how much it all means. With all the love and feel-good-fuzzies that come with parenthood, also come the terrible twos, time outs, spankings, and tears~but all in the name of love! I've never had a daughter but I think that there is something to be said about the perseverance and xanax it takes for raising boys! For those of you who have had the pleasure of spending more than two minutes with Sawyer know that he is high energy, constantly moving and jumping off of things and loving all things boy! :)
After having one of those drawn out, batten down the hatches, battle of the will stand offs with Sawyer, I dove into this great book, "Bringing Up Boys". Dr. Dobson has some terrific insight into the little lives of our boys and how we can do everything we can to help navigate them through life and keep them alive so they see 18. It has been so helpful and encouraging to hear his advice and go, "Oh my gosh! That's SO SAWYER!!!"

"Our assignment during two brief decades will be to transform our boys from immature and flighty youngsters into honest, caring men who will be respectful of women, loyal and faithful in marriage, keepers of commitment, strong and decisive leaders, good workers, and secure in their masculinity, And of course the ultimate goal for people of faith is to give each child an understanding of Scripture and a lifelong passion for Jesus Christ."

Sawyer~that is Mommy and Daddy's prayer and goal and we will do everything we can do see it through* We LOVE YOU SOOOOO MUCH, forever and always, no matter what!

Now with that being said, I had to really remind myself of everything that I have read so far in my book when I discovered this mess last Friday....I was upstairs with the babies just before lunch and Sawyer, Dalton and Audrey were supposed to be downstairs cleaning up for lunch and it was suspiciously quiet.....and that's never a good sign. So I walk downstairs and they're not in the play area, nap room, bathroom or Brandi's room.....then I heard little voices coming from the storage/pantry room. There the three of them sit, legs straight out in front of them in a little circle surrounded by 32 cans of open pop! They each have a can in their chubby little hands chugging away! I couldn't believe it!!!!!! They had also helped themselves to one Red Bull energy drink, mixed nuts, Apple Jacks cereal and some fruit snacks! Needless to say we had a L-O-N-G chat, clean up session and another L-O-N-G chat!

1 comment:

Benjamin + Amy said...

HEHEHEHEHE!!! I just love these stories and yes, I must admit that it makes me breath a sigh of relief that I don't yet have my own two-year old and in the same breath I think I can't wait! : )