Monday, August 23, 2010

Good Times with Jake and Lara

Bill's best friend Jake was is roommate in college and lives up in Wisconsin is we don't get to see him much. He and Bill usually get together once a year to just hang out and have a good time. Last week Jake and his girlfriend Lara came down and spent the week with us! It was SO fun! The boys just did guy things-video games, fixing their cars, buying junk on Ebay, jumping off of bridges and eating. It was nice to have another girl in the house and Lara and I were quick friends :) You guys need to move to Omaha! Remember: the house across the street is still for sale! HAHA :)

Bill, Jake and Brandon showing some love at a Mid Night run to Village Inn :)

Lara and I met up with some of my girlfriends to see "Eat Pray Love" and this one, "The Switch". I liked "The Switch" a little better, it was a funny, feel-good movie and I loved it! It was nice to leave the boys at home with all their video games and barrels of Mountain Dew to have some girl time!

One afternoon we went down to the Old Market to walk around.
At the end of the 19th century, Omaha was in its prime as a great railroad center, connecting the settled East with the wide-open West. The Old Market area was at the height of its splendor – bustling with produce dealers, buyers and transporters (Thank You Wikipedia).

We've always loved the feeling of the old Market with it's cobblestone streets, horse and carriage rides and little shops.

We went to lunch Old Chicago downtown in the Old Market. That was a real dieters delight lunch chalked full of calzones, chicken nachos, spicy buffalo wings, fries, pepperoni rolls and raspberry lemonade!

It was such a fun time to recconect and make some new memories!

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