Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Yesterday I was running around trying to get the house ready for Bill's college roommate and his girlfriend who were coming to spend the week with us. I needed to make a quick batch of brownies and that normally takes me about about five and a half minutes flat from start to the oven if I do it by my self.....but then this little voice screeches out, "I wanna help!!" So I had a quick pep talk with my self and remembered that these little moments will just fly by and when he's getting dropped off at college and I'm sitting in the car sobbing I'm going to long for one more batch of brownie making together.

And besides, who can resist this face?!?

He was very excited that he had an excuse to use his scissors to cut open the mix and then he learned how to crack eggs! He did a really good job too! The weird thing was that after each egg he cracked, he would blow on his fingers....I 'm not sure if that was him trying to get the egg off his fingers or that was some new signature move of his....

The brownies turned out perfect and Sawyer needed a bath! A good time was had by all!

We all went to a wedding last Saturday for one of Bill's old friends. It was a really beautiful wedding outside at a park right next to a lake. Congratz Rob and Stef!!!


Jane's Junk said...

How cute. You should send this photo to the Brownie company and maybe they would use it for advertising!!!!!!

Jane's Junk said...

Nice family photo with Steve and Kathy. What's with Sawyer and his funny face?