Wednesday, September 29, 2010

4 Year Check Up

Sawyer is turning four next month! Can you believe it?! The time has gone SO fast and before I know it, it'll be Kindergarten round up and I'll be a basket case! Anyway, Sawyer went in for his four year check up last week at the Boys Town Pediatric Center. They have a beautiful new facility and Sawyer was actually pretty excited when we pulled up! He did VERY well with nurse Angie who took his blood pressure, tested large and fine motor skills, and verbal skills.

He stepped up on the scale and weighed in at 35 pounds! (27th percentile)

He was a little perturbed that she messed his hair up when she checked his height...but he is a healthy 38 inches tall! (10th percentile)

Waiting patiently to see Dr. Nancy Vandersluis.

Sporting a pretty awesome tweety bird gown with Woody from Toy Story peaking out the back. Dr. Nancy chatted with Sawyer about his colors and numbers and they went through the alphabet. He told her his daily routine at home and all the things he like to do. She also wanted to check out his skin because ever since he was a baby he has had a touch of eczema on the backs of his legs and on his little behind.....

I remember the morning after Sawyer was born, Dr. Nancy came to check on him and I just knew she was going to be excellent. The way that she handled him as an infant and never made us feel like she was in a rush made us like her instantly. She has a really calming voice and being a mother as well she has TERRIFIC 'bed-side' manner. She said that he is happy and healthy and ready for Kindergarten next year if we decide to put him in. At this point, we are thinking we will probably wait and do it the year after that just to make sure he is ready-maturity wise :)

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