Sunday, September 26, 2010

Garage Sale in the Rain

As I had written in an earlier post, we were gearing up for the launch of a three year church project that was both large in vision as well as funding. Bill's parent's had a great idea of having a one day only garage sale in which all of the proceeds would go to the church and the launch. So, we called everyone we knew and asked them to clean out their basements and storage rooms of anything that could be sold. The turn out was amazing! We had so much stuff we were running out of room to put it! So, Friday night we stayed up late into the night slapping neon price tags on other people's junk and collapsing into fits of laughter after each werid/disgusting thing that we pulled out of the many boxes that were donated for the sale!

Saturday morning came all too quickly and it was cold and pouring rain.....but that didn't stop us or the 'garage sale-ing pros' that pulled up into the drive way at 7:05 a.m. with the hope of finding a treasure amongst the crap, with coin purses in hand. The weather cleared up as the day wore on and we were able to pull everything out into the drive way and fire up the grill to sell hot dogs!

It was so great to have lots of friends that came out to show support and break up the day a bit! Sawyer's besties, Theo and Jack showed up to have lunch with us! In the end, we made $800!!! Understandably, it's only a drop in the bucket but every little bit counts!

Sunday evening we met our friends Brandon & Laney and their son Nolan and another friend Brandon out at the lake near our house! It was the most beautiful evening and the scenery was gorgeous. (I know this picture looks like we're eating under a bridge in the ghetto, but oh well!)

Trying to get a good family photo with everyone looking, eyes open and a 150 lb. dog sitting calmly is a task......

We headed down to the water with Brandon's fishing pole to just mess around and with no real hopes for catching a thing.....

But low and behold, all of a sudden, Sawyer yells, "I got some-fin!" And sure enough out he pulls a fish!!!! All by him self!

He was pretty proud of himself but not quite sure what to do with it. We told him about catch and release and off the little fishy went.....

After his lucky catch, Sawyer felt as though he were the Bass Pro expert and thought he needed to assist Daddy on when to pull it up! We heard a lot of, "No, no let me show you..." I guess he had a point, because we did't catch anything after that!

We grilled chicken for Chicken BLTs that turned out to be D-Lish!!!!

As soon as the sun went down and the mosquitoes came out, we packed up and headed for home.

1 comment:

Benjamin + Amy said...

Sawyer is too cute as usual, catchin' fish like a pro is right : )