Monday, March 28, 2011

Spray the Candles Out

It was Papa Steve's birthday last weekend! Last year on a whim, Sawyer and I made Papa a birthday crown to wear at his I thought that since he enjoyed it so much last year, that we should begin a traditional birthday crown!

So we got right to work with paper and glue and dinosaur stickers and glitter glue! But we thought that it needed little something needed some embellishment. Now what would be the perfect thing.........OH! FEATHERS!!!!!

The boys proudly displaying their royalty. Papa was a really good sport too and wore his feathery crown almost all night, and whenever he tried to sneak it off for a little while, Sawyer was sure to remind him of where that crown needed to be!

Nana Kathy had made a wonderful Shrimp Florentine that was absolutely D-lish! Then we had a Lithuanian apple and appricot torte.....sooooooo good. And as all kids at birthday parties want to do, Sawyer thought that Papa probably was getting too old to be able to blow out all of his candles himself, so he stepped in to help...and help he did! He blew spit ALL over the cake and the table! (Not on purpose!) What made it even worse was how it glistened in the candle light because he didn't even get any candle's blown out! Oh well......

We all decided to pitchin together and get Steve a very large and VERY heavy umbrella to go out on their patio with their furniture! And since it came in a fun long box, of course we should put it on the stairs and slide down it!

But that get's old after a while. Let's stuff Sawyer into one end of the box and see if he makes it out the other end! But it was such a tight fit that he couldn't get up on his elbows to move himself Papa had to stick his leg in there and shove him and Daddy pulled him out the other end. Boys will be boys.

This is what a four year old looks and acts like after too much apricot torte and a late bed time!
Jammies and lime green boots.....straight off Project Runway.

And the family tradition continues~taking the ribbon off of the gifts and making some gorgeous headbands for our selves and wearing them around for the evening......Happy Birthday Papa Steve!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Hello Carrie, I just found your blog through reading Jana's. Oh my goodness your son is SUPER GORGEOUS!!! Oh and I was so convinced i knew your face. You proably dont remember me but just remember you from the boat. Oh Carrie what a special family you. All the best and God bless you! Laura Bleakley (was Govender) :-) xo