Thursday, June 30, 2011

And They're off!

For the past few summers Sawyer has had the opportunity and privilege to tag along with my mother on her epic summer road trips to see family. They pack up my mom's rental cars fresh off the Hertz parking lot full of trail mix and bottled water and ride off into the sunset for a few weeks. From Omaha to Wisconsin to Michigan and Chicago~They have a blast!

They started their trip last Saturday morning, so we spent the evening before doing laundry, folding little 'Toy Story' underwear, making sure we packed all the right books, games and stuffed animals. As always we wrote little notes for Sawyer to open everyday while he's gone. It was nice that Bill and our friend Ben helped me out :)

We got them all packed up and ready to go in the wee hours of the rainy morning. They are having a great time so far, probably visiting very playground in the mid west! It's nice that we are able to see each other on the itouch although I can barely keep him on long enough to hear what he's been up to. The first couple of days that he's gone, I am able to get quite a bit done but now after the kids leave at five thirty, I'm not quite sure what to do with myself!


Laura said...

Awww Carrie, thats awesome for Sawyer to have that time with his granny, I admire you for letting him go like that! I cant barely cope with one-night sleepovers! :-(

christel said...

What a neat thing for him--he'll remember these trips and his special time with Jane all his life! (I know the Meachams are thrilled when he comes with her too!!)