Thursday, June 16, 2011

Pancakes Pancakes!

The kids got to go to their Half Pints Cooking Class at Whole Foods this morning! The theme of the class was "Where does our food come from?" There was supposed to have been a story called, "Pancakes Pancakes" read that went through the different processes of wheat into flour, milk into butter ect.....but we ran out of time.....

My good friend Stefanie is a teacher and has the summers off, so she graciously came with us to class! I had this new little baby, Eleanor at Day Care for the first time and I didn't really want to leave her at home with the sub so early, so she just tagged along with us!
Sawyer and his little friend Audrey behave like brother and sister. They argue all the time over the tiniest things but just can't leave each other alone! They'll be fighting, but still save seats for each other at's cute. Audrey likes to put her arm around Sawyer. As you can tell from picture #2, that Sawyer doesn't really like her arm around him. But she doesn't care that he doesn't like it and she does it anyway! Good for you Audrey!

The kids made Whole Wheat Lemon-Poppy Seed pancakes with blueberry topping! Yummy! While they waited for them to bake up, Ms. Shera (their cooking class teacher) brought out a l-o-n-g piece of paper and some crayons to prevent World War Three while they waited :)

The little artists are hard at work!

The pancakes tasted WONDERFUL! Especially with the blueberries and a dollop of whip cream on top! Of course everyone's lips and teeth turned blue and there are a few dark blue stains on the front of their shirts, but oh well! Since the kids are members of the Whole Foods Kids Club, they get to pick up a free cookie at the bakery every time they come in the store! Sweet Deal! So, of course we had to go pick up cookies and then we picked a few out for their little friends who were too young for the class and had to stay at home.

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