Monday, June 20, 2011

Pop-Tops for Top-Pops

In preparation of Father's Day, the kids and I got our craft on! I stole this idea off of another blog bcause I thought it was so cute and easy for the kids and I to do. Well, I take the easy part back.

We took large pineapple cans that had pop-top lids, opened the can from the bottom, drained everything out, washed them thoroughly, filled them with 'man snacks', and glued them back shut! We took some fun paper and glued it to the outside of the cans and added a few ribbons and a tag!

This project that I thought was going to be super easy ended up taking hours....we have a HUGE container full of pineapple slices that we are trying to eat our way through...remember it's not a sprint, it's a marathon more pineapple! I had tons of little battle wounds from cutting myself on the sharp edges of the cans and as we were hot-gluing our finishing touches on, the kids decided that playing Mr. Wolf downstairs sounded like a lot more fun that helping me. So guess who got to finish? You got it.

BUT.....They turned out SO cute! The kids were super proud of them and the dad's really enjoyed them. Sawyer made a couple extra for Papa Steve, Uncle Jeff and Grandpa Rick.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Wow looks awesome Carrie, you really do have the patience... impressed!!! I could just about manage a homemade card for Fathers Day lol xo