Monday, June 20, 2011

What a Day!

Last Saturday was a pretty full day! Our church put on an event called "Dad & Me" in honor of Father's Day. Kids and their Dads came to have breakfast and build a car! Now Sawyer has been looking forward to this for WEEKS! Every Sunday when we would pick him up from his class he would remind us, "Remember to sign me and Daddy up for 'Dad and Me'!" So, bright and early on Saturday morning they were off for a morning of fun. They went around to different stations to assemble their 'car' and then they made a little wooden one too.

Sawyer was super excited because he got to HAMMER and use MARKERS!! They got their picture taken and made into a magnet as a keep sake of the day. I'm pretty sure that Sawyer was expecting to make a real car, because when he came home, he said. "We only made this pretend car." They both had a wonderful time and got a head start to Father's Day!

The next exciting part of the day was when we got to go and pick up Nana Jane from the airport! After a long flight up from Brazil, she finally arrived to spend time with us!

Later in the day Bill spent some time over at his friend Chad's house playing boring boy-games and then somehow we ended up with ten people over for dinner all of a sudden! Since it was a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants sorta thing, we didn't end up eating till about nine o'clock......and what evening get-together is complete without a few people (Scott, Melody, Ashton and Ben) eating a few Bhut Jalokia peppers (3rd hottest peppers in the world)? That's some good entertainment right there I tell ya'!

We also made a quick run out to 'Red Mango' for a late-night frozen yogurt treat! If you haven't been there yet, stop what you are doing, get in your car and go right now. Now. It's D-lish.

Why can't we ever take a normal photo without morons in the background?
(We love you guys anyways.)

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