Thursday, August 25, 2011

All Decked Out

The deck is done! (Well 99% done...we still need to put the post caps on, but that's it!) We decided to build the deck for evenings just like last night. Have some friends over, eat outside, enjoy the sun was niiiiiiice! Bill also installed some outdoor speakers yesterday afternoon, which I must admit: I fought him pretty hard on. I didn't think that we really needed them or that we would use them all that much. But as I am sitting here eating my humble pie, I do admit that I LOVE them! I love having soft music in the background~it just adds that extra touch to the evening!

I had made a version of chicken cacciatore with homemade bread sticks and salad. This is the best bread stick recipe that I have come across and for a family that goes through more bread than a fondue restaurant, that's saying a lot!

Phoebi enjoyed lounging around on the couch like a goddess.....

What evening is complete without a nice fire? We have been using the left over bits and pieces of cedar from the deck and it's worked out perfectly! Plus it smells delicious.

Sawyer and Ben eagerly waiting for S'MORE time!

Bill and Steve did SUCH a tremendous job building this deck and we are so excited to start using it! We'll have to hop to it considering summer seems to be in a hurry to go somewhere. So, if you're around, call us up, grab some drinks and come on over! :)

1 comment:

Jane's Junk said...

Wow, the deck looks great!!! Tell Bill and Steve congratulations!!!
Congrats to you Carrie for all the wonderful food you are always making!!! Hey Sawyer, you look great also!!
Nana Jane