Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Let's Par-TAY!!!!

A couple of years ago we had the honor and privilege of having a foreign exchange student from Columbia come and live with us for a year! Sandra was such a welcomed addition to our family while she was here. Her other host family was actually her brother's in-laws, Connie and Dan. They are some of the most genuine, kind-hearted, generous people you'll ever meet! While Sandra was still living here, they invited us up to their farm for the day and we had a WONDERFUL day out in the beautiful country side, eating terrific food, hiking and enjoying time together! They were even the sweet souls who invited Phoebi up to stay with them for three weeks while we were in Brazil! (a 150 lb. dog for three weeks in the winter time? Now you KNOW how nice they are :) Well, I could go on and on about how much we love Connie and Dan, but let's get back to last week......Last week they popped in for a quick visit and brought half of a farmer's market with em'!

Can we all just admit right now that those raspberries are just about the prettiest things EVER?!? We've been adding them to just about everything we've eaten since we got them!

Connie & Dan~Thank you SO much for all the yummy things! Also, thank you so much for putting the hair-brained idea in Bill's head that we need a St. Bernard puppy! (Can you hear the sarcasm oozing out of my voice?) and you were so thoughtful to send us the website for the puppies too~you really do just go above and beyond :) I need another enormous dog , like I need another hole in my head......But anyways! You guys are great*

This past Sunday, our church celebrated it's 90th birthday! 90 years of spreading God's word to the people of Omaha and across the globe! The church was decked out in balloons, streamers, there was a jazz band and birthday cake in between services! It was a wonderful celebration Sunday of how far God has brought the congregation, the growth of the ministry and excitement for the years ahead! We had the honor of hearing from five of the former Lead Pastors and their wives as well. After church, they had bouncy castles, dunk tanks (with the pastors inside!), a petting zoo, live music, pizza and snow cones! What a fun afternoon we had!

Needless to say, it was a quiet ride home :)

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