Monday, August 15, 2011

Five Years Ago....

Five years ago, on a sunny afternoon in the park, Bill and I got married! It was August 9th, 2006. Judge Cooper was this great guy that looked older than dirt, with HUGE old-man sunglasses. We tried to hold back our chuckles as he kept referring to Bill, as Bill BYRON instead of Bill BRYON :) He also must have thought that I was of some American Indian decent, because at the end, he said, "In honor of your heritage, I would like to read this Native American poem."

Fast forward five years....a baby boy, a church wedding, a house, a business, college graduation and a dog. And here we are! It hasn't been easy but we can both say it was well worth it! God has had his hand of mercy, grace and love on our family thus far and we are excited to see what the next eighty years of marriage will bring!

We celebrated this weekend with our best friends, Brandon and Laney who were also celebrating an anniversary of their own! It was fun to sit and remember both the monumental moments and little things that made up our years together so far.

We also went out with Bill's parents who just celebrated their eighteenth anniversary! After being married for only five short years, my respect and admiration for couples who are still dedicated to each other for years on end, just grows and grows.
May God continue to work through Bill and I to be the best parents and partners in life that we can be.

"Being confident in this, that HE who began a good work in you, will be faithful to complete it till the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6