Friday, August 12, 2011

God vs. Mother Earth

Yesterday morning I took the kiddos to their cooking class at Whole Foods for a lesson on healthy eating! Sawyer, Samantha and Audrey met their friend, Dane there along with his mom and new baby brother! (Just a week old! and OH SO CUTE!)

The kids made a landscape picture out of fresh veggies and fruit! They used cucumber slices, cherry tomatoes, a green bean, pretzels dipped in peanut butter (for the wheat), baby carrots, oranges, strawberries, blueberries, a strawberry licorice stick and a maraschino cherry!

While Ms. Mandy was passing out the cucumber slices, she was mentioning that all these fruits and veggies came from nature and what a wonderful job that Mother Earth had done in creating them.....Guess who piped up right away to set THAT story straight?
Yup. Sawyer comes out with guns blazing,

"No! No! God made those cucumbers! God made everything except for plastic and metal, right Mom?!?"

Yeah, that was a proud yet awkward moment. Ms. Mandy just raised her eyebrows, smiled politely and continues on with, "Hmmmm.....alrighty then!"

As the other kids in the class were complaining about not liking carrots and how they don't eat wonderful little veggie eaters were asking for SECONDS of tomatoes and snarfing down everything on their plates! I was beaming with pride! :)

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