Friday, November 2, 2012

Birthday Boy

Six years ago God blessed us with a six pound screeching bundle of JOY that has made our lives so full and rich! Watching Sawyer grow over the years has been like having front row seats at the best movie ever. 

We went and surprised Sawyer for lunch at school-he was SO surprised! 

It was fun to sit with him while he pointed out all of his little friends and jabbered away about how excited he was to have his Birthday cupcakes that he had brought to share with his class. 

That evening we went to Nana & Papa's house for a birthday dinner! 
As always, Sawyer got to choose the menu and he chose......HOT DAWGS! 

Liz and Raylan*

Great minds must think alike, because Daddy and Uncle Alex both ended up getting him scooters! We decided to keep both of them so that Bill could ride with Sawyer too. (I know that Bill was secretly stoked that we ended up with two!)

Sawyer is ALL about Star Wars right now, so lots of his gifts ran with that theme. He got Star Wars shirts, jammies, books, light sabers ect. He loved it!!!

When we asked Sawyer what he wanted for his birthday, he kept saying, "I want one of those cards with the money in it." (As if you buy those kind at the store??) He wants to save up money to buy a Wii You later on this month, so he was pretty jazzed that he ended up with one of them 'money cards' too! 

Then Bill and Alex chased each other around the kitchen on the scooters!

Raylan thought he won the lottery when he got his chubby little hands on some tissue paper!

One of the games that Sawyer got was Perfection. That really noisy one that ticks down the time and you have to put all the little shapes in the right slots before the time runs out and all the pieces fly up in the if that doesn't get your blood pressure sky rocketing, I don't know what would!

Nana Kathy made a really yummy Star Wars cake!

Is that my six year old riding his scooter down the middle of the street at ten on a school night? Why yes it is. 

This was the next day when Sawyer was showing off his new game to his buddy, Dane. When it popped up at the end and all the pieces flew out, they both jumped and screamed! It was so cute!

We have two more parties to go: a big family dinner with the Aunts and Uncles and then a bowling party with  his school friends. Sawyer had a great day and is still able to look forward to his other parties :) 

1 comment:

christel said...

That last picture is really the cutest thing EVER!