Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween 2012

Star Wars seems to be a never ending thing at the Rollins house these days, so it was of no surprise when Sawyer wanted to be Darth Vader for Halloween. Sawyer's class had a fun Halloween party that afternoon along with a costume parade!

On the way to Nana & Papa's house, we were talking about Halloween and handing out candy, when Sawyer pipes up with, 
"I think for next Halloween we should hand out fish and wild mushrooms." 
What?? Where did that come from?? lol

You can't have Darth Vader without Yoda!!!!!!! And Raylan was just the cutest little Yoda you've ever seen! My friend Jamie made him his little hat which was adorable! I toted him around in the Baby Bjorn to go trick or treating so we just put his little outfit on on top of it which ended up working out just perfectly! 

Sawyer had a little bit of a rough time trying to carry his light saber and his pillow case full of candy, so Daddy ended up with the light saber about four houses down. Unfortunately we don't have a picture of Raylan carrying his big pumpkin had this really thin handle on it so he could hold onto it really easily. But what was so cute was that every time someone would drop a piece of candy into it, he would IMMEDIATELY shake the bucket! It was like he was checking to make sure there was something actually in there! He did it every single time! It was hilarious! 

The weather was absolutely PERFECT for trick or treating and Sawyer made off with twice the loot because Raylan was with him So I'd say it was a pretty successful evening :)

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