Friday, August 9, 2013

Sneak-a-Peak 2013

Can you believe the summer is almost over? Crazy! The other evening was Sneak-a-Peak Night at school! Just a time for the kiddos to come, see their friends, meet their new teacher and get all pumped up for the new school year to begin. 

Can you tell he's excited to see his friends? 
It's so cute-he has been sitting in bed looking through last year's year book every night for the past week!

The pancake man was there as always-serving up mounds of pancakes!

The proud parents. 

(Don't you just love when you have someone take a picture for you and they focus on the group behind you? Yeah, me too.)

We found our way down to Mrs. Pederson's First Grade class room and he spotted his desk right away!

I guess we have another little scholar who's ready to go! 
(Gessh Raylan, you just can't share the spot light with anyone else can you? lol)

We found his new classroom and it was so cute! Just chalked full of books and posters and all sorts of fun things. 
An environment that just inspires learning and creativity!

As any First Grade teacher is, Mrs. Pederson was vibrant, cheerful and welcoming! She scopped Sawyer up in a huge hug and told him all the wonderful things that his previous teacher had said about him and how excited she was to have him in class! I'm so excited to watch their relationship grown throughout the year!

We just had to sneak back into his Kindergarten class to pay Mrs. Johnson a quick visit. She was the absolute PERFECT first teacher for Sawyer last year. We love her SO much! 

First Grade. Phew....everyone let's just take a deep breath and contemplate this for a minute. My child is going into FIRST GRADE. Where has the time gone and how much cuter could he possibly get?!?
First Grade, here we come!

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