Tuesday, October 29, 2013

An Apple a Day.....

We have been a part of a WONDERFUL Journey Group at church for the past few years and have really enjoyed getting to know other couples that are in the same stage of life. Our friends, Kevin & Vanessa live on this beautiful vineyard that we get to visit from time to time! We were invited out for apple picking, soup dinner and a bonfire! What fun!

They have this great apple tree that is pretty much bent over, it has so many apples on it! 
We all picked loads and loads of apples and it still didn't look like we made a dent! 

Raylan thought that he was pretty hot stuff because he was eating an apple that wasn't all cut up. Ahh the small joys in life :)

Sawyer kept almost giving me a heart attack up on a ladder in the tree.... 

I think I just ate a seed.....

And did I take pictures of the rest of our VERY fun evening? The delicious food, the kids playing together, Vanessa's creative fall decor, or the HUGE bonfire? Nope. I must have been enjoying time with friends too much to remember! 
Oh well, I'm sure there will be a next time! Thanks Kevin and Vanessa for another lovely evening!

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