Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy 7th Birthday Sawyer!

Can you believe it's been 7 years already??? I can't! Once you have a child, time is like a snow ball at the top of a huge hill that starts rolling down and gets faster and faster until it clobbers you at the bottom and you're dead. Wow, that got morbid really quickly. 
Let's get back to happy fun stuff! 

The birthday boy hopped out of bed quite early-Surprise Surprise....had a special Birthday breakfast with the balloons that Nana Jane had delivered!

He got to open one gift before school from Nana Jane. Nice Bill, nice....

I took time off of work to go and have lunch with Sawyer at school. His little friend Dane had the day off of school, so I picked him up on the way and took him with me. Sawyer was so excited to have Dane there! 

The boys and I enjoying McDonalds for lunch!

We also brought cupcakes to share with the class. 
He was so excited to show us the special Birthday crown that he got to wear from his teacher. 

Sawyer has been in love with the idea of surprise parties for a while now and we thought this would be a great year to have one while it's still easy to pull it off! Nana and Papa were sweet enough to host the surprise party at their house on Saturday night which worked out perfectly because the boys normally go their to spend the night on Saturdays so he didn't suspect anything. They had the basement all set up for when he came down and everyone jumped out and yelled, "SURPRISE!"

Chicken enchiladas are Sawyer's favorite, so I made those and we had a huge Mexican feast! 
Nana Kathy had this awesome make-your-own-cupcake-bar set out with all sorts of toppings. 

Present time!!!!! He got all sorts of fun stuff that a seven year old thought was awesome :) Among them, was two sets of boxing gloves from Aunt Joan, which I'm sure will result in a few ER visits....and the cherry on the top was a new bike from Nana Kathy & Papa Steve!

Raylan trying out the new snow saucer from Aunt Lin and Uncle Jeff (or should we say, Uncle Chad? lol)

We are SO SO SO proud of you Sawyer. We are so excited to see what kind of a young man that you will become and we pray that you will love Jesus all along the way. We'll love you forever, no matter what*

1 comment:

Jane's Junk said...

Love these photos, but love the people more!! Thanks for the post!