Bill is now a college graduate! Wahoo!!! Awesome job Bill we are all so proud of you! We really had to fight tooth and nail for Bill to agree to walk at graduation....those of you who know Bill, know that being in front of a bunch of people just isn't his thing.....but in the end he walked and his mom and I loved it! Thanks Bill :)

Bill graduated with a Bachelor of Math & Science and now is going to focus on finding a career as a Mathematician and he'll probably go back to school for further education later. He and I are so different, because I don't particularly like school all that much, as soon as I'm done I'm like, "THANK GOD IT'S OVER!" and Bill will probably be a professional student his whole life....

We were really excited to have Bill's sister Danni come from New York for his graduation. Thanks for making the trip Danni-Loved to see you!

Congratulations Bill!

Bill's parent's Steve & Kathy were sweet enough to offer to host Bill's graduation party! Kathy had great food-two different kinds of ravioli, bruschetta, cheese & crackers, roasted pepper & Gorgonzola crostini, ramaqi (sp?) and cheesecake brownies (Bill's favorite). Thank you both so much for hosting such a fun evening!

We had a great turn out of people-lots of Bill's family, childhood friends and their parents, recent friends, family friends.....just lots and lots of friends! Thank you also to those of you who couldn't be here but sent Bill graduation cards-that was so sweet of you!

Danni, Tyler, Cameron (cousins), Bill

We had a good time just sitting around after most people had left just looking at old photos of Bill! The bad hair cuts, short shorts, drooly baby smiles and prom pictures.

Bill's parents gave us a trip to San Fransisco as part of his graduation gift! We are so excited to get away for a long weekend (May 27th-31st), Sawyer will spend the weekend with his grandparents and get spoiled out of his mind :)
Thank you so much to those of you who came to share this day with us and the cards and thoughts from those of you who couldn't make it*