Friday, November 12, 2010

Kids say the Darndest things...

Right before lunch:
(setting the scene: Sawyer and Dalton have all the legos and farm animals sprawled out all over his bedroom floor.)

Me: "Sawyer and Dalton, you guys need to clean up that mess please so that we can have lunch. As soon as it's all put away, we can eat, so you better hurry up!"

...a few moments go by...

Sawyer saunters his way into the kitchen: "My neck wants to eat lunch right now...."

At lunch time:
(setting the scene: Dalton has finished his milk and now get's to drink juice.)

Me: "Sawyer, you need to drink your milk and then afterwards you can have some juice."
A few moments go by.......

Sawyer: "Milk makes my leg hurt...."

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